Wednesday, September 16, 2009


What is HisinTB? Why is it important? How can it help me achieve a more fulfilling lifestyle? Is this a cult?

I cant answer all of these questions, because ultimately, you will have to do that for yourself, but I can do my best to help bring you to a better understanding. 

Nothing here is finite. Everything is subjective and open to discussion and debate.

What is a person? What makes everyone slightly different than the rest? Some call it self-esteem, but I think differently. Most religions say that human kind was created in G-D's image. That we are all G-D's children.

But who is G-D? What is G-D? The idea that most of us hold is one that is man made. It is not possible for one to be able to grasp what G-D is exactly. In order to do so, you must take an infinite idea and make it into a finite object and in doing so, you are desecrating the very essence of what G-D is and can be.

But what if G-D actually did this for a reason? What if He/She wanted us to understand Him/Her. What if He/She wanted us to feel a deeper connection. Or vice versa.

Let me propose an idea. It might make sense to some, be blasphemy to others, but ponder over it before making judgment. What if that special something we feel inside, what if in fact it is a part of G-D, what if inside ourselves is pure holiness. We are vessels of G-D's pure power.

In Kabbalah it is written that in order for G-D to create the world he had to make himself finite, break himself into pieces. Could it be possible, that we are those pieces, that we all have G-D inside us.

Some might call this the soul, but the idea of the soul is very different. This idea suggests that we have G-D inside each and everyone opf us. This idea tries to explain that we ourselves are pure holiness in its rawest form.

If one is able to achieve this understand, to be actually able to feel the holiness inside themselves, treat themselves as holy objects, think of the possibilities. There would be no hurt, no heartache. One would live a life of joy and praise, because one would treat themselves as they treat G-D with respect and devotion. One could worship through themselves to reach a better understanding, to reach enlightenment.

Many religions hold onto the idea of Redemption. Some call it the second coming, Geulah or see it in the coming of a Messiah.

Many of these religions believe that it takes good deeds to bring about this redemption. And some religions believe that it will take the son of G-D to bring this about.

Now if we were to take these ideas literally, to think that every good deed brings us closer, and that it will take a child of G-D. Isn't it at all plausible that one person could possibly be the Messiah due to the fact that they did that very last good deed needed to bring about the redemption.

If every person were to think this way, that with each deed they did, they brought us closer and closer. In all reality the world would be a better place. But this isn't reality and many people do not think that way. Yet if you take a step back and think about redemption, think about what it is and means to you, why does it have to be a global occurrence. Why all this fire and brimstone?

Isn't it at all possible that Redemption can be a personal occurrence. One could finally find peace within them self, a form of Nirvana if you will. Then in doing so, each and every individual is a Messiah, their own personal Messiah.

It is a lot to take in, the concept that every single being has G-D within them and the means to bring about Redemption.

Yet how does one go about this Redemption, how does one find the enlightenment needed, the ability to make their life actually matter?

It takes time, it doesn't come overnight. It takes an understanding of one's self, of one's needs and fulfillments.

But for now let us just ponder the basic concepts, the foundation to changing one's life for the better.

When you are able to say, to feel and understand that yes you have G-D inside you, that you are a vessel of holiness and that yes, you are the Messiah. You can move on, but until then, think about it, examine it from every angle, but ultimately, in the end you will feel it.

And when that happens, we can begin.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of having a piece of the Lord inside us all isn't quite a new idea but it is one that hasn't been pressed pretty much at all throughout most religions. It's been mostly "G-D is all around us" instead. Judaism, Catholicism, Christianity, and many others teach of G-d knowing when someone has sinned or completed a mitzvah by being "around" them.

    The idea that you have a piece of the Lord in you brings new meaning to having him watching you. It also validates the idea of conscience. The famous Devil on one shoulder and Angel on the other image. "The Lord keeps you honest". Perhaps all are based on the possibility that a piece of G-d is in you.

    I've never been one to believe in a soul but what if you think about that piece of G-d in you? I'm waiting for you to talk about death in this blog but I'll throw this into your thinking. What if there was no soul? What if that piece of G-d, when you die, takes your essence (thoughts, memories, etc) into itself and then rejoins into the Lord until he wants to place that piece into a new host? Your essence stays with the Lord while the piece is returned to Earth for a new host completely blank to start collecting that host's essence. The idea of being in Heaven may just be having a space for your essence inside the Lord from that piece.

    I'm going to stop analyzing here because I still want to read what you come up with next and frankly I could go on a while on just this introduction.
